More about...

Hello! I'm Todd Adans, owner of this blog. And I'll talk a little about his creation!
So... this blog was created with the intention that all people could have access to some things that happen to me before. Most of the time I put something in my day, or write about something that happens in our society. Are things like that, I have nothing scheduled and such, just write! I hope you like my blog, and be free to share.

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2010

Eu te garanto.

Eu te garanto que teremos dificuldades, eu te garanto que em algum momento algum de nós, ou nós dois vamos querer pular fora. Mas eu também te garanto que se eu não te pedir pra ficarmos juntos, vou me arrepender pro resto da minha vida. Você é a única coisa que eu realmente me incomodaria em perder.

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